Sanjoy is still one of the best freelancers i have had the pleasure of working with. His professionalism and detail to the job is top notch. He understood my requirements and he did the job to my satisfaction.I highly recommend him.
Founder, Afric Wedding
Sanjoy is a good team player, always ready to help his fellow designers. I enjoyed working with him especially with User Interface-related tasks. He is a good communicator, especially when we had design collaborations. He is a highly skilled UI designer and would definitely recommend him.
Senior Designer, Flowcandy
Sanjoy was a fantastic person to work with, and is not only a multi-skilled and insightful colleague, but also an inspiring strategist. Very good person. Great teammate, a very strong problem solving skills. Sanjoy is an asset to any company.problem-solving
Lead Designer, Flowcandy